孚 茶 園 KAE-CHA
孕 育 大 地,孵 出 好 茶
KAE-CHA 是用日文 “ 孵 茶 ” 直接翻譯成羅馬拼音。
象徵著「 孕 育 大 地,孵 出 好 茶 」。
孚 茶 園 是一群志同道合的年輕茶農集結的茶品牌
以「 品 質、專 業、多 元 」為訴求
Nurturing the Land for Great Tea
“ KAE-CHA ” is a transliteration of the Japanese term “ KAE-CHA ” (literally, “breeding tea”),
symbolizing the nurturing of land to produce great tea.
“ KAE-CHA ” is a tea brand introduced by a group of like-minded young tea farmers
who uphold the philosophies of “high quality, professionalism,
and diversity” as they dedicate themselves to producing tea leaves
and providing customized, OEM, high-quality Taiwanese tea.